I haven’t invested much time or money in this department. I currently use the Nike+ GPS feature on my phone to track the time, distance and average pace of my runs. Since I don’t consider myself a very serious runner this seemed like the practical decision. Lately though, I have found one feature missing from my current system; the ability to see my split times. I’d like to see which miles were faster or slower than others. I really noticed this with the 12K I ran recently. There are two monster hills in this race and I am really curious to see how they affect my time. The Nike+ system doesn’t allow me to see my splits or the exact pace for each mile. Watches seem like an expensive option at this point so a little Google searching later and I found mashable.com’s list of 10 Essential iPhone Apps for Runners. I’m going to give RunKeeper a try. Keeping with my thrifty theme I downloaded the free version.

How do you keep track of your training and millage? What is your essential running equipment?